I have much to tell....
1. Friday Night
This past friday i went out for my friend's, Katy, Birthday (big 25!)...We started ou
t on Hoi Toy (i just butchered that spelling) where Bonez and i promptly consumed 2 scorpion bowls among shots and some beer.
Friday was my "free" day for my new lifestyle change. I truly took that to heart and snatched the friend ice cream the birthday girl was given on the house and helped myself.
From the asian place we went to an Irish place called The Blarney Stone where i was given the nastiest Jack & Coke i have ever drank, drank it, watched Bonez push a screen out a window and then we left where we went to the Blackstone Tap. It was a high school reunion early. I saw a lot of kids from Millbs High and i am pretty sure i said a whole bunch of shit i probably shouldn't, but i don't remember so it can't count, right? The oddest
part of that whole sitch is the person i was most excited about seeing was my cousin, Devin, though i've seen quite a lot of her.
Upon exiting the Tap, i demanded that the birthday girl's b/f take me to BK, which you can only assume is not the wisest decision with regard to my newest lifestyle change. The suckiest part is i don't remember eating my delicious Number 4 (whopper Jr. you moron!) and i spilled my large Coke getting out of the car to chase my cat that isn't supposed to be out
side (but was she really outside....no one knows).
One of the highlights of my night? Probably when i received this picture from Seriously Bent after i told them my plans to attend a Pirate Rave Saturday
2. Pirate Rave
"Tasty Treats 3
A Swashbuckling Adventure
FULLY Pirate Themed Party, Aye Mateys!!!!! "
I was tired, hungover, upset i ate a whopper jr., and i was a bit scared. I wasn't sure what a rave was, i was dressing up like a pirate, i couldn't wear my sword, and i was sure i was going to either be slipped a little MDMA or rupheed (another spelling masterpiece).
Meaghan, my friend i was going with, knew a DJ so i figured it couldn't be all that bad. We arrived around 845ish, to a creepy warehouse building called the Artist Development Complex, in Southbridge MA. After asking which door to enter, Meg and i arrived in full Pirate regalia, she paid (cause i'm broke) and we entered a very loud room, blaring techno, flashing lights and maybe 15 people. I am not sure what i expected but i expected a couple hundred people, water bottles and fucked up people.
I wasn't disappointed on all of those accounts. The way i figured it, our "recession" is hurting the new rave order BUT not harming those who consume drugs. There were these girls, and i say girls because they were under 21, in tidied tank tops, cut up (for the pirate theme of course) and jeans cut off right above there knees...I have NEVER smelled anyone so rank in my life. This one girl, with short hair so obvie a Lesbo, came up to me while i consumed my one beer of the evening, danced all close then left, which she did often throughout the night. A little later her and her gal trippin' pal (the tweekers) came over and handed Meg and i these 4 year old bracelets. Not four years old but meant for four year old children.

I now have three. Not until after i received several of these, in different delivery forms (one came sliding down the wooden bar at me as if it was a full delicious pint of bud heavy) it dawned on me that they could've been soaked in a nasty substance and could be poisoning me! The tweekers danced covered from head to toe in glow sticks (and bracelets) and were often seen jumping up and down or rocking back and forth against a pole or huddled up in dark, blacked out window, knees to chest, with a slight, drug induced smile plastered on their face.
Well, i persevered, wasn't drugged (which was a lame and non-eventful), didn't die and grooved on and on and on. One thing dancing for 4 1/2 hrs to techno music gives you is time....time to observe the oddities that surround you.
Several questions and conclusions came to me....
A. Just because you're trippin'...even for days...doesn't mean you are allowed to abandon your hygiene.
B. Why do childish objects, such as beaded bracelets and animal backpacks go hand-in-hand with drugs?
C. I saw many 18+ yr olds wearing animal backpacks and i feel as if my intelligence and womanhood has been violated.
D. Where i was on September 19, 2009 is a place i would never ever want any of my children to be a part of. In fact, this is one of the first conclusions i came too...if i find out my child ever attends one of these, other than to make observations i have done and experience a very different lifestyle for an evening, i will yank their face out of there so fast and then hit them with my car after i have made them consume a large quantity of hallucinogenics so they become so scared they will never go into such a situation again. After which i will shower them so the stench of others is scrubbed off their skin. All the while reading them Macbeth.
E. I am confident i will be a great parent.
3. And the rest of the weekend
I have decided that Alec Baldwin is the man version of my cougar, a couger. Isn't english one of the only languages that doesn't stress gender with word endings? Well, i am changing that.
I will leave my few but fabulous readers to ponder this question. Is there really such a thing as fact?
Please discuss.
we are so much better than any of your "other friends"