Imagine a cow standing up with its utters just floppin' around, that'd be weird right?

Then you have the issue of size, age and hangidge.* A boobs hangidge is absolutely effected by its size. The same can be said of age, BUT after some serious scientific inner debate, size and age do not go hand it hand. In fact, size obviously doesn't effect age and age doesn't effect the size.
And the attraction and attention boobs receive. Now, i will be the first to admit boob attention is a wonderful thing and i enjoy my breasts, please don't misunderstand me...i'm just a bit confused by it all. Men (and some women) ogle after them and i can only assume that it has something to do with suckling at the teat as an infant. But you have to admit, society's infatuation with breasts is astonishing.
* This study does not take into account those with breast implants, illness or a transgender surgery. i feel royally uncomfortable and not because i just mentioned transgenders but because of the whole topic.
Did i mention i'm unemployed?
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